Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity is a medium/large church.
We strive to be a welcoming church to all people and to be active in our community.
Rev. Ashley Rosa-Ruggieri serves as our pastor.

Our Approach
What are Services Like?
We are a Lutheran church that upholds our traditional history as well as being ever-reforming.
Our worship is liturgical, which means we follow an order of service that is biblical and purposeful.
We open the service with music and a prayer of the day, there is a time of confession in which we all acknowledge our need for Christ's forgiveness, a variety of scripture is read, there is a message, and offering, prayers and singing is interspersed throughout the service before we are sent back into the world to be God's agents of grace to others.
Even though one service is traditional and one service is contemporary on Sunday morning, at both you can either follow the service in the bulletin from the page references listed or you can follow the service on the screens.
Thursday worship is relaxed and everything is printed to follow along the abbreviated liturgy in the bulletin; screens are not used.
Our Story
What is the Community Like?
Trinity Lutheran Church is a multi-generational congregation that provides many opportunities for people to grow in faith and serve the Lord.
We are actively involved in the needs of the Wauseon community through the local FISH organization from which we receive our food pantry referrals to provide food for families in need.
We are actively involved with the local ministerial group through which we participate in helping with the weekly community meal on Thursdays.
We have a vibrant Christian education program.
- Trinity Lutheran Church Child Center enrolls children from the community and congregation during the week for daycare, preschool, before and after school care. The Child Center is staffed with certified and degreed staff.
- Our Sunday School which includes classes for 2-year-old and up through high school as well as adult class options too.
- Our Wednesday nights we offer Bible Seekers for 4th-5th graders, Catechism for 6th-8th graders, Senior Luther League for 9th-12th graders, Youth Choir, Bell Choir, Senior Choir, and Worship Team.
We also have a Drama Troupe that provides opportunities for actors/singers to do skits, readers' theater and musical programs in worship and in performances for the community.

Marked with the cross of Christ forever...